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Map, Directions, Parking

2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Directions to campus

Physician Assistant
Riverside Park Plaza
701 25th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55454

Virtual Tour

Hotels Nearby


Campus Map Key

AM: Anderson Music Hall – 715 22nd Ave. S.
AH: Anderson Residence Hall – 2016 S. 8th St.
CC: Christensen Center (Office of º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ) – 720 22nd Ave S.
FC: Foss Center – 625 22nd Ave. S.
HC: Hagfors Center – 700 21st Ave. S.
IA: Ice Arena – 2323 Riverside Ave. S.
KC: Kennedy Center – 715 23rd Ave. S.
LL: Lindell Library – 630 22nd Ave. S.
LH: Luther Residence Hall – 715 20th Ave. S.
MH: Memorial Hall – 710 22nd Ave. S.
MR: Mortensen Residence Hall – 801 21st Ave. S.
OM: Old Main – 725 21st Ave. S.
OG: Oren Gateway Center – 610 22nd Ave. S.
RP: Riverside Park Plaza – 701 25th Avenue S.
SC: Science Hall – 707 21st Ave. S.
SM: Si Melby Hall – 715 23rd Ave. S.
SH: Sverdrup Hall (Enrollment Center) – 707 21st Ave. S.
UT: Urness Tower (Department of Public Safety) – 800 22nd Ave. S.


A. Visitor parking – 830 21st Ave. S.
B. Resident/commuter student – 825 21st Ave. S.
C. Commuter student parking – 21st Ave. S. and 8th St. S. (street parking)
D. Faculty/staff parking – 810 21st Ave. S.
E. Short-term visitor parking (3 hours max) – 755 21 Ave. S.
G. Faculty/staff parking – 610 21st Ave. S.
H. Reserved* – 610 22nd Ave. S.
J. Reserved** – 650 23 Ave. S.
K. Commuter student – 705 23rd Ave. S.
L. General permit parking – 802 25th Ave. S.
O. General permit parking (off campus) – 2511 E. Franklin Ave.

* HOURCAR and car2go parking
** Future Auggie parking


Advisory: Starting in October 2024, MnDOT will begin bridge preservation and maintenance work on five bridges along I-94 in Minneapolis, affecting highway access to Augsburg. Construction is expected to last through November 2025. Motorists can expect overnight lane closures on I-94 between downtown Minneapolis and the Franklin Ave bridge over I-94 in fall 2024; during construction in 2025, motorists can expect I-94 to be reduced to two lanes in each direction between Hwy 55/Hiawatha Ave and the Franklin Ave bridge, as well as temporary ramp closures along I-94.

Metro Transit

Learn more about traveling to Augsburg using the Metro Transit system by visiting .

I-35W From the North

Take the Washington Avenue exit. Turn left onto Washington Avenue, merge right onto Cedar Avenue, turn left at Riverside Avenue, and then turn right at 22nd Avenue South.

I-94 Eastbound from Minneapolis

Take 25th Avenue exit, turn left at 25th Avenue, turn left at Riverside Avenue, turn left at 22nd Avenue South.

I-94 Westbound from St. Paul

Take Riverside exit, turn right at Riverside Avenue, turn left at 22nd Avenue South.

35W from the South

Follow the I-94 St. Paul signs (move to right lane after each of two merges). Take 25th Avenue exit and turn left at Riverside Avenue, turn left at 22nd Avenue South.

Land acknowledgement

Augsburg’s spirit is propelled by a heartbeat that started long before us. That heartbeat was present before our founding, when the land where Augsburg today stands was stewarded by the Dakota people. The Dakota are the original inhabitants of this area, and they are still here today. We honor their wisdom about this place and their recognition that we are all part of the same creation. We share their sense of obligation to the larger community, including to future generations.