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University Leadership

The University President

߲Ƶ President Paul Pribbenow

Paul C. Pribbenow became Augsburg University’s 10th president in 2006. His articulation of a powerful but simple vision for the University—“We believe we are called to serve our neighbor”—strengthens Augsburg’s institutional calling and reinforces the University’s commitments to global perspectives, living faith, active citizenship, and meaningful work.

Go to President Pribbenow’s site

Augsburg Corporation

The Augsburg Corporation represents the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s constitutional support to the University from Augsburg’s four designated synods—Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Southeastern Minnesota, and the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin. The Governing Board of the corporation includes representatives from congregations in the four synods, and Augsburg’s Board of Regents, faculty, college administrators, and students.

The Governing Board’s primary task is to represent the ELCA for the purpose of electing Augsburg’s Board of Regents. The Governing Board meets annually to elect regents, as well as to keep current about the University in order to lend ongoing spiritual and other support.

Augsburg Board of Regents

The Augsburg Board of Regents is the official governing entity of the University and is entrusted with the task of electing Augsburg’s president. The regents are elected for four-year terms.

President’s leadership team

The President’s Leadership Team is the primary administrative decision-making body for the University. This group focuses on strategic discussions and collaboration in order to ensure that decisions are informed as broadly as possible.

University Council

This advisory group is a representative group of faculty, staff, and students whose primary role is to convene regularly to advise the president on key institutional issues, to receive reports on institution-wide projects and initiatives, and to engage in an ongoing conversation about future opportunities and challenges.