Privacy Policy

The College collects personal information, including sensitive information, about students and parents or guardians before and during the course of a student’s enrolment at the College. The primary reason for collecting this information is to enable the College to provide a positive and supportive school environment, and/or to comply with government requirements.

Some of the information we collect is to satisfy the College’s legal obligations. For example, certain laws governing or relating to the operation of Colleges require that particular information is collected.

We occasionally ask you to provide medical reports about students. This information is safeguarded under the College’s Privacy Policy.

The College may be required to disclose personal and sensitive information for administrative and educational purposes. This includes disclosure to other schools, various government departments, ISQ (Independent Schools Queensland), medical practitioners and people providing services to the College (such as specialist visiting teachers, (sports) coaches and volunteers).

If we do not obtain the information referred to above we may not be able to enrol or continue the enrolment of your son/daughter.

Personal information collected from students is regularly disclosed to their parents or guardians. On occasions information such as academic and sporting achievements, student activities and other news is published in College newsletters, magazines and on our website.

Parents may seek access to personal information collected about them and their son/daughter by contacting the College. Students may also seek access to personal information about them. However, there will be occasions when access is denied. Such occasions would include where access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others, where access may result in a breach of the College’s duty of care to the student and/or to other students, or where students have provided information in confidence.

As you may know the College from time to time engages in fundraising activities. Information received from you may be used to make an appeal to you. (It may also be disclosed to organisations that assist in the College’s fundraising activities solely for that purpose.) We will not disclose your personal information to third parties for their own marketing purposes without obtaining your prior consent.

We may include your contact details in a class list and College directory. If you do not agree to this you must advise us now.

If you provide the College with the personal information of others, such as doctors or emergency contacts, we encourage you to inform them that you are disclosing that information to the College and why, that they can access that information if they wish and that the College does not usually disclose the information to third parties.

Click here to read our Privacy Policy in full.